Addresses, Road Names and Street Signs

Wake County GIS provides address validation, street name approval, address changes and updates, information about displaying addresses and information about street name signs.


Address Points (MAR)

The Wake MAR (Multi-jurisdiction Address Repository) address point layer shows the location and attributes for current structures and parcels within Wake County, NC. This data set was created in a joint project between Wake County GIS and City of Raleigh GIS. Addresses were compiled from various sources such as tax records, permit systems, utility services, and many others. The points are positioned on the building footprints or in the best available location and are updated nightly.

This data is created for reference only, there is no warranty about accuracy and update. Please contact us if errors are found.

The data is available for download at the Wake County Open Data site.

Road Names

Street Signs

Wake County GSA installs and maintains the green and white street name signs outside of the city and town limits.

To report problems with a stop sign, speed limit sign, or any other type of sign, call NCDOT at 1-877-DOT-4YOU (1-877-368-4968) or submit a report

To report problems with a street sign within a city or town limits, contact the Public Works Department: