When someone buys something from your Etsy shop, that person will receive an e-mail from Etsy. It’s a receipt of sorts and contains all the details of the order. Buyers can click the order number (if purchased via Direct Checkout) or View the Invoice (if a different payment was used) link found in the e-mail to view the order online.
In addition, if the buyer paid for the item via PayPal, PayPal will send her an additional receipt for the payment transaction via e-mail.
Even though Etsy handles receipts and invoicing for you, you should still reach out to your buyer to express your thanks. This is an important part of customer service — and it’s essential to the success of your shop.
Sometimes you need to view an invoice for a sale — say, to check the buyer’s shipping address. One way to access that invoice is to click the View the Invoice link or the link featuring the order number found at the top of your notification e-mail message. Alternatively, log in to your Etsy account and try the following:
A list of options appears.
The Completed Orders page opens.
The Open Orders page appears.
Etsy displays the invoice for the transaction. It contains key info about the transaction — whether the buyer has paid for the item, whether you’ve shipped the piece, the buyer’s shipping address, how much the item cost, and more. It also features a Print Order button (you can click to print the invoice) and a Print Shipping Label option (if you accept Direct Checkout and are based in the United States).