File a new or amended trademark or certification mark application

Follow the step-by-step process to file a new or amended trademark or certification mark application.


Welcome to the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) Trademarks e-Filing service. With this online service, you can file a new or amended trademark or certification mark application. Once you have paid your application fee, you will immediately receive your application number.

Important Notice: Enhancements in entering the statement of goods and services

You can now select pre-approved goods and services from the CIPO Goods and Services Manual when filing your trademark application online. For more details, please review the Updates to Trademarks online tools page. -->

1. Before you apply

2. Application requirements

A trademark application that has the following will receive a filing date and application number:

3. After you apply — Filing an amended application

You may have to file an amended trademark or certification mark application after having received an examination report.

Telephone amendments expanded practice — Trademark amendments without an examiner's report

Effective on February 19, 2021 , we are expanding our practice on telephone amendments. You or your appointed agent might get a call from a trademark examiner asking for:

Verbal permission to amend your application

A trademark examiner might call to ask for verbal permission to:

A trademark examiner might call to ask you to send an amended trademark application if:

4. Send a general correspondence

You may have to send correspondence to the Registrar on a variety of trademark topics to the Office through the e-General Correspondence, as an alternative to facsimile or postal mail.

Examples of the types of correspondence that can be sent to the Office include appointment or revocation of a trademark agent; cancellation or withdrawal of a registration or application; change of name or address; division of an application, and requests for extensions of time and will also allow clients to pay a fee, when applicable.

5. Use our online services (you must log in)