A Business License is an annual tax for doing business within the Gallatin City limits. The City of Gallatin Municipal Code requires that a business obtain a license when it conducts any business activity within the city limits. A business doing work within the city limits is required to obtain a business license if it is located outside of the city limits when the total revenue exceeds $100,000 annually. This requirement includes home-based businesses, building contractors, independent contractors and nonprofit businesses.
If the business is located in the City limits of Gallatin and subject to the business tax (i.e., annual taxable sales are $100,000 or more), they must obtain a Standard Business License before conducting business. If a business has multiple locations, it must have Standard Business Licenses for each location. The licenses must be displayed and are nontransferable. Please note you must also obtain a Standard Business License from the Sumner County Clerk.
If the business is located in the city limits of Gallatin and the annual sales are under $100,000 you must obtain a Minimal Business License. Please note you must also obtain a Minimal Business License from the Sumner County Clerk.
There is an initial $15 fee for each license obtained from the County Clerk and the City Clerk. The license will expire 30 days after the return is due, but will be automatically renewed after the business has filed a return and remitted the tax due to the Tennessee Department of Revenue.
Businesses obtaining a business license must report their gross receipts to the Tennessee Department of Revenue on an annual basis. Business Tax is administered and collected by the Tennessee Department of Revenue.