City of sunrise intersection safety program ticket

Frequently Asked Questions

Intersection Safety Program

Why has the Intersection Safety Program been implemented?

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, annually nearly 2 million crashes occur in intersections. In 2005, red light running resulted in 800 fatalities and over 165,000 injuries.

It is believed that an Intersection Safety Program will reduce the number of red light crashes and injuries associated with such crashes. The purpose of this program is to increase traffic safety. The goal of the program is to reduce red light running violations, red light crashes, and red light injury crashes without impacting City/Town funds.

What is a red light running violation?

A vehicle that proceeds into an intersection equipped with a photographic traffic control monitoring system when the traffic control signal for that vehicle�s direction of travel is emitting a steady red signal is in violation of Florida Statutes �� 316.0083, 316.074(1) and 316.075(1)(c)1. When a motorist receives a Notice of Violation, the issuing Police Department/Sheriff�s Office has determined that the vehicle entered an intersection by entering the crosswalk on the near side of an intersection when the traffic control signal, for the direction in which the vehicle was traveling, was emitting a steady red signal. Motorists already in the intersection when the signal changes to red, when waiting to turn for example, are not considered red light violators.

Why did I receive this Notice of Violation?

Based upon images captured by the automated system, your vehicle was determined to have failed to comply with a steady red signal. As the owner of the vehicle, the Notice of Violation is mailed to you. For every violation captured by the cameras, the images and video are reviewed and approved by the Police Department/Sheriff Office before a Notice of Violation is issued and mailed to the vehicle�s registered owner.

If I am in the intersection when the light is yellow and the light changes to red, will I receive a Notice of Violation/Infraction?

No. The automated camera system only becomes active once the red light is showing. It will not capture a vehicle if the vehicle enters the intersection prior to the light changing to red. If you entered the intersection on yellow, it is legal to clear the intersection if the light turned red while you were still in the intersection.

What if I am not the driver/owner of the vehicle at the time of the violation ?

As the registered owner of the vehicle, you are deemed responsible for the violation and the payment the penalty unless, in compliance with Florida Statute � 316.0083(1 )( d)1.a-d, you establish by a sworn affidavit that a statutory exemption applies. The exemptions are that the motor vehicle: (a) passed through the intersection in order to yield the right-of-way to an emergency vehicle or as part of a funeral procession; (b) passed through the intersection at the direction of a law enforcement officer; (c) was, at the time of the violation, in the care, custody, or control of another person; or (d) a UTC was issued by a law enforcement officer to the driver of the motor vehicle for the violation of Florida Statute � 316.074(1) and � 316.075(1)(c)1 stated in this Notice. The affidavit must be sworn before a notary public or other person authorized to administer oaths.

If you assert that the vehicle was in the care, custody, or control of another person, you must provide the name, address, date of birth, and, if known, the driver�s license number of the person who leased, rented, or otherwise had care, custody, or control of the vehicle at the time of the violation. Acceptance of this assertion by the Police Department/Sheriff Office will result in the issuance of a Notice of Violation to the person named in the affidavit. If the vehicle was stolen, then the affidavit must include a copy of a police report showing the vehicle to have been stolen. If you assert that a UTC was issued by a law enforcement officer for the violation of Florida Statute � 316.074(1) and 316.075(1 )( c)1 stated in the notice, then you must include the serial number of the UTC. For faster processing, you may, but are not required to, include a copy of the UTC.

You may download and print the Affidavit of Non-Responsibility form from the links at the bottom of the page on � .

What is the amount of the fine? Is there a late fee?

The owner of a motor vehicle is liable for payment of a statutory penalty of $158.00 for the Notice of Violation. There are no points assessed for this Notice of Violation. If the owner of the vehicle does not pay the statutory penalty, request a hearing, or submit an affidavit by the due date listed on the Notice of Violation, a Uniform Traffic Citation will be issued.

What happens if I ignore the Notice of Violation?

If you fail to respond with a payment, submit an affidavit, or schedule a hearing, a Uniform Traffic Citation (�UTC�) will be issued at a higher fine amount. Upon issuance of a UTC, you shall have the remedies specified in Florida Statute � 318.14, which include the right to have a hearing before a designated official, who shall determine whether a violation was committed. If the official concludes that no violation was committed, no costs or penalties are imposed. If the official concludes that a violation was committed, the official may impose an additional civil penalty not to exceed $500 and court fees and costs.

I have received a UTC, may I submit an affidavit?

Yes, you may submit an affidavit. � You must download the Post UTC Affidavit from the links at the bottom of the page on The Post UTC Affidavit must be mailed to the Police Department/Sheriff Office. Submission of an affidavit does not guarantee a dismissal of the UTC. You may call Customer Service at 1-866-225-8875 ten (10) days after submission to check on status.

Will I receive any points on my driving record for this violation?

No, this is a non-criminal infraction that is not reported to the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles.

Will my insurance rates be affected ?

No, this is a non-criminal infraction and is not reported to any insurance agencies.

Will the red light cameras take a picture of the driver of the vehicle?

No. A violation of Florida Statutes �� 316.0083, 316.074(1) and 316.075(1 )( c)1 is a civil violation assessed against the owner of the vehicle; it is not a criminal violation. Similar to a parking ticket, there is no need to identify the driver and therefore, no need to capture the image of the driver.

Is this only a revenue generating program ?

This is a safety program. Automated safety systems have been shown to reduce red light violations and intersection crashes. Numerous studies throughout the U.S. and worldwide, as well as the experience of many other cities, indicate significant decreases in red light running violations and collisions after cameras were installed. Oftentimes, a spill-over effect results from automated enforcement: other intersections not monitored by automated enforcement also see a decrease in violations and accidents because of the presence of enforcement in other areas of the community.

What if I was issued a citation from an officer for the same offense?

The citation issued by a police officer takes precedence over the Notice of Violation. You must submit an affidavit with the serial number of the UTC that you received for violation of Florida Statutes �� 316.074(1) and 316.075(1 )( c)1. For faster processing of the affidavit, you can include

a copy of the UTC.

How much time do I have to pay my Notice of Violation?

It is recommended the completed signed and notarized affidavit or payment be received prior to the due date specified on the front page of this notice to be appropriately processed.

If you have questions regarding payments please send an email to Customer Service at

How can I pay my fine?

ONLINE PAYMENT: The fastest and easiest way to pay your Notice is to pay online. Go to and logon with your Notice # and PIN shown in the red box on the front of this notice. Click the Pay button. There is a convenience/service fee for this service.

PAYMENT BY PHONE : Call toll free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 1-866-225-8875. There is a convenience/service fee for this service.

PAYMENT BY MAIL: Mail your check or money order (payable to the city or town) in the enclosed envelope with the coupon printed at the bottom of the reverse side of your notice. DO NOT MAIL CASH. Be sure to put the Notice # on the face of your payment. If you have any questions, please contact Customer Service at

What is the Refund Policy?

A refund check may be issued under the following circumstances:

I have received multiple Notices of Violation; do I have to send in a payment for each?

If you have multiple violations in one city you may send one check with the individual coupons enclosed and the notice numbers written on the check.

If you have multiple violations in different cities you must send a separate check for each violation. If you send one check for multiple violations that occurred in different cities your check will be rejected and returned to you.

What if my check is returned?

If payment is not received by the due date of the Notice of Violation, a Uniform Traffic Citation will be issued at a higher cost.

Can I make payments in installments or set up a payment plan?

Payment plans are not available at this time.

I paid the violation; why did I receive another notice?

The notice you just received could be for additional violations or it could be a UTC which is now a past due notice. If it is a past due notice, chances are that your payment and the notice crossed in the mail. It can take as many as 5 business days to show in the system once the payment is mailed. Call 1-866-225-8875 to confirm that your payment was received.

Do I have to pay my fine the day of the hearing?

You must pay the full fine amount within 30 days of a liable judgment.

I do not believe I ran a red light. Where can I go to view my images and video?

You can view your images on any computer with an Internet connection. Log on to To log on to the site you must enter the Notice Number and the PIN Number located at the top right of your Notice of Violation. If you do not have internet access you may view your images at your local public library.

I don�t believe I ran a red light and want to discuss my case with someone.

If you choose to appear before an official of the county court or plead not guilty, you can request a hearing by following the instructions on the Notice of Violation.

How much do I have to pay for a Hearing?

A person who is found liable after a Notice of Violation hearing can be liable for court costs and fees not to exceed $250, in addition to the amount of the civil penalty assessed for the violation.

A person who is found liable after a Uniform Traffic Citation hearing can be liable for an additional penalty, courts costs and fees not to exceed $500, in addition to the amount of the civil penalty assessed for the violation.

Can I schedule a hearing?

Yes, you can schedule a hearing. If you wish to have a hearing after the issuance of a Notice of Violation (�NOV�), print and sign your name on the hearing request coupon located on the back of the NOV, place it in the included envelope, and mail it to the address located on the front of the coupon. Once a hearing has been scheduled you will be notified of the location, date, and time.

If you wish to have a hearing after the issuance of a Uniform Traffic Citation (�UTC�) follow the instructions found on the UTC.

Can I make a hearing request over the phone?

Can someone other than me attend the hearing?

Only you or your legal counsel may appear at a hearing.

Is there more than one place that I can attend my hearing?

Can I bring a lawyer to the hearing with me?

How do I know that these violations are valid?

Images of your vehicle were captured and recorded by a Traffic Safety Camera. You can review your images and video of the actual occurrence online. The images and video were reviewed by several qualified technicians and finally by the Police Department/Sheriff Office before the alleged civil infraction was affirmed and mailed to you as the registered owner or identified driver.

What company provides the red light camera program?

The City/Town has contracted with American Traffic Solutions Inc. to provide the Intersection Safety Program. ATS installs and maintains all equipment related to this program and performs the initial processing for all violations captured by the equipment.